Custom Tattoos
Pressed Botanical Tattoos
D I E - M O N D E
Custom Tattoos
Pressed Botanical Tattoos
Flash no. 1 Meadow Buttercup, £300, Size: 30cm (length), Estimated time: 3-4 hours
Placement idea, would also work on many other areas
Flah no. 2 Meadow buttercup £500, Size: 38cm (length), Estimated time: 6 hours (day sitting)
Placement idea, could also work on torso
Flash no. 3 Poppies, £850, Size: 50cm (length), Estimated time: 10 hours over 2 sittings
Placement idea, could also work on leg
Flash no. 4
Flash no. 5
Flash no. 6 Common Periwinkle, £280, Size: 32cm (length), Estimated time: 3 hours
Placement idea
Flash no. 7
Flash no. 8
Flash no. 9, Lesser Celandine, £120 + depending on how many, please circle which ones you want
Placement idea, would work anywhere
Flash no. 10 Cowslip, £250, Size: 15cm (length)
Placement idea
Flash no. 11 Primrose, £180, size: 12-15cm (length)
Placement idea
Flash no. 12, Lesser Celandine, £200, Size: 10cm (length) each flower
Placement idea
Flash no. 13 & 14, Primroses, £180, Size: 10-14cm (length) each flower
Placement idea
Flash no. 15, Ginkgo leaves, £120+ depending on size and amount
Placement idea
Flash no. 16 & 17, Violet, £160-200, Size: 10-15cm (length)
Placement idea
Flash no. 18, Leucojum £200, Size: 15cm (length)
Placement idea
Flash no. 19
Flash no. 20
Flash no. 21, Forget me not, £250, Size: 20cm (length)
Placement idea
Flash no. 22
Flash no. 23
Flash no. 24, Red Campion, £180, Size: 15cm (length)
Flash no. 25 Primroses, £230, Size: 15cm (length)
Flash no. 24, Buttercups, £120 each, Size: 9cm (length)
Flash no. 25
Flash no. 26 & 27, Gypsophila, £200, Size: 25cm (length)
Flash no. 28, Gypsophila, £450, Size: 45cm (length)
Flash no. 29, Gypsophila, £500, Size: 50cm (length), Estimated time: 6 hours (day sitting)
Placement idea
Flash no.30, Gypsophila, £380, Size: 35cm (length)
Flash no. 31
Flash no. 32 & 33, Ferns, £270, Size: 17cm (length)
Flash no. 34, Fern, £500, Size: 30cm (length), Estimated time: 6 hours (day sitting)
Flash no. 35, Daisies, £120+ depending on size and how many. Size: 8cm (length with stem)
Placement idea
Flash no.36
Flash no. 37
Flash no. 38
Flash no. 39
Flash no. 40
Flash no. 41
Flash no. 42
Flash no. 43
Flash no. 44
Placement idea
Flash no. 45
Flash no. 46
Flash no.47
Flash no. 48
Flash no. 49
Flash no. 50
Flash no. 51
Placement idea
Flash no. 52
Flash no. 53
Flash no. 54
Flash no. 55
Flash no. 56
Flash no. 57
Flash no. 58
Flash no. 59
Flash no. 60
Flash no. 61
Flash no. 62
Flash no. 63
Flash no. 64
Flash no. 65
Flash no. 66
Flash no. 67
Flash no. 68
Flash no. 69
Flash no. 70